
Showing posts from May, 2023

Concrete Mattress

His face wears the cloak of a hundred winters Who knows how many snowflakes his eyes have blinked away His body has felt the cuts of many razors of the windchills  The many layers he's worn have only repelled so much  Who knows what his life was like many years ago  Much better or the same; only he can answer this  No one dreams of having a desire of this life he has  No one envisions having the sky as their roof year round  At some point for many, the shelter ended up as their home No real home to go to, one that has a door in which to stick one's key This home they share with many a stranger  A family they never thought or even cared to have  For this veteran of the elements, however, no desire for the shelter  The streets are his home of comfort  It's safer, he says, in spite of having the concrete as a mattress He desires the daylight of nature as his giant lamp A little corner of the frigid city he'll pick as his bedroom for the evening  The people of the city go b

Embrace Of The Flowers After The Dust

The jackhammers carry a tune that's painful to my drums The nails march along and in the structures, remaining still afterwards The grey river of concrete has  barriers to prevent several stomps The men and women of steal, shout amidst the clouds and grime I can't wait to walk past, as it seems like a journey across the Mojave  I want to see something that was grown with the gentle appendages  Not as much noise as it took for the hard build that rises beside me So many more, can grow these than those  As I get closer to what I want to embrace and savor Its scent seems to come out more, as it becomes aware of my closeness  We've never met on a formal basis, I with the voice and it without one No hand shaking required, just a mental greeting from us both Without speaking, it can sense my joy of it being around  Its peacefulness, it realizes is needed by me Too much loudness, I can't quiet it with a bullhorn or firm whisper  The flowers have never caused my lobes to ring a

Year Round Suffering Of Them

How has this year been for you  A question that no one is ever asked How's your day is the most frequent  The caring of others seems to be in increments  A quiet reflection, as the year comes to a close  What went right, what went wrong  Hundreds of days to right the ship, so to speak  Yet the effort wasn't good enough  There was pain, and not just from the physical  The words from others could cut like any machete can Lashing out at them, seemed to be in vain As they simply heard, and not listened The finances were issues as well  It's funny how mere paper can depress them so much So much they wanted to fix or obtain  The list of these never seemed to shrink  Once December 31st arrives, there's plans for a better next year  The chants start with optimism New Year's resolutions have started  But this year will never forgotten by them

You Want To Understand Her

You want to understand her Take an interest as she follows her dreams Don't feel resentful and insulted If they're different from yours and  not the same things Her not doing what you're doing  Her not doing what you WANT her to  do  Is not a bad thing at all  She's focused on being better than the previous HER, not YOU 

The Will Of Her

Don't mistaken her desire to succeed  As seeing how much she can gain Living below her means is one of her main goals  Not having so much that it makes her insane  While there's nothing wrong with having  It's gone badly for so many in this land Many of them have ruined their lives  By trying to please so many who've stuck out their hands 

Toughness Through The Fear

There's a fear that they have Coming from the coldness of the humans Their words and actions Can cause pain that runs as deep as the ocean floor Not knowing what to do  As this is a new kind of pain Makes them frightened on the inside and out  Crawling under rocks are thoughts to them Not easy for toughness to just appear  Not an emotion that happens like magic No one around to help develop it It remains dormant in the meantime  But at some point after so many episodes  A toughness they feel has to be self-developed You can only be mentally hit so many times  And no one wants to be a permanent basket case So there's gradual steps they'll take Making themselves ready for the next scene, so to speak They don't have verbal bodyguards in their lives The toughness through the fear starts and ends with them

Torchbearing Of The Angry Men

  Here we go again, I watch another building on fire The fury is expressed on yet another day The angry men are mad about the shooting over there So out with the matches, torches and Molotovs So tired are they, that going overboard is their movement Anger expressed at the wrong things and people  A desire to destroy, in my view, is what it mostly is  A slim chance of a care about the victim whom they never knew With the rage of them, their own become casualties as well  Collateral damage; at times yes, at times, no Businesses become ashes of ruin, money being destroyed  The job that fed the family, has sadly disintegrated With the deepness of this loss, the controversy doesn't matter Having nothing to do with that action over there The torchbearer's assumption, is that the shooting wasn't right But the shop owner feels the same about the destruction of his

Words With Time

We hear these words  Spoken by so many voices The negative ones we try to ignore  While we decide among the many choices  For some, time heals the verbal wounds So they watch the clock with anticipation  When their lives aren't busy enough Time seems to stop as if on vacation Words we've heard over time In some cases have been more than inspiring Then there are those that have been so sharp Hearing them constantly is frustrating and tiring What can we do Since we can't silence them all Nothing, they say, given the vast world So we begrudgingly bear them, and stand tall

Worn Out Shoes

Always on foot, too much a price for wheels Good exercise, but brings misery to his shoes As having to go from here to there Is both a need and want for him He sees more in this navigating fashion  But if his shoes could talk, they'd scream for mercy He understands their suffering, and wishes he could ease it But no money prevents it, so no backup for now  No pedometers on these battered shoes of his  We look at the worn out of them, and can only guess the mileage  They're like vehicles without motors, and no insurance The only similarities are they're both trashed at some point 

Loud Mouths Of The Boulevard

In her home, the loudness of the voices surrounds The toxicity of the DNA matches are having another round  It doesn't involve her, but it pierces her ears just the same  No sound-proof walls in this house, which is her day end domain Telling them to simmer down is useless, as she's learned before  Their desire to yell even louder, simply increases even more  Finally, her mood turns to wanting to go outside  She wonders if nature has those with quiet lives She seemingly sneaks out, as they're unaware of her escape  Their verbal drama,her depressed ears can no longer take  But once outdoors, the boulevard has the same mouths  Voices mimicking those that were within, and she wonders how Total strangers have drama times among each other as well  Even in the outdoors, people have a loud story to tell

Maniacs For The Money

The endless attention of the constant paper bills  The landlords rage echoes throughout the day  He can't be paid with a thank you very much  So it's off to the casino they go The lottery shouts from their radio Its pot of loot has increased once again  Money can possibly solve all the issues  So it's a beeline to the store that never closes  Unlawful deeds are done as well  The largest till can afford to donate, apparently  Worthy of a risk, to a brave few So it's a bank visit, without a legal taking  The scammers of the earth are more creative  The doers and their victims, unconventional tag teams  An anonymous promise of a gazillion  So it's the opening of what was once safekeeping  Maniacs can be those violent ones as well  Their victims can suffer the physical force Whatever can be taken, during this fiery greed  So these actions will begin, no intense thought of consequences 

Loyal Companion

They're children to so many  Best friends to more than a few  They're many breeds and sizes Treat them well, and they're loyal to you  We at times, wish they can speak like us Barks are all they can say We'd love for them to ask What's on your mind today  These four-legged canines Are loyal and useful to so many  Rare is the dog owner who says I wish I'd never owned any If you're having a rough day and feeling down  Their greeting can change your mood  It's sincere all the time  After all, you're the one who buys their food 

The Cat's Meow

  Their sandpaper tongue  Their moments of indifference Their nocturnal habits  Their look of innocence  Their silence in a loud world  Their quiet reflections Their moods they rarely speak  Their soothing moments of affections They're cats we love  Their purrs, comforting to us Their joy, oftentimes low-key  In their world, they rarely make a fuss