
Showing posts from March, 2024

Battle Cry

  Their shouts are heard around the world The protesting has become a global view The oppression of them, has caused their rage So to the streets they go, women and children are hiding   Their original whispers sounded like mice on cotton No response to their pleas for even basic needs So their voices became measurable by decibels For good measure, parts of their city had bonfires   What was at first local, became international We’re not in this village, so this isn’t our in-person view But our neighbors are familiar with the people So our understanding has at least a degree or more   Rare has it been, to have these actions where WE are The ones at the top, would never be THIS cold to us Though we’ve simmered many times over the years Everyone knows how catastrophic going overboard can get

Back Alley Hunters

  What will they find today, where so few roam Scavengers and seekers of food, they’re often known to be On foot or by vehicle, they travel down these smelly parts Looking on the ground or in the dumpsters against the bricks   Hunger is what envelopes some of these alley touring souls The food that’s eatable, they’re not picky after all The restaurants and other places, discard without care Free within these dumpsters, treats without any costs to speak of   The searchers of the non-edibles, will venture through as well What ever they can find, that can turn into cash The size doesn’t matter, as long as it can transport The alleys are always open for business, no matter the hunter

Awakening Of The Wind

  We’re loving the calm of the summer wind As we’re walking along the sunny beach We also love it while biking on the lakefront Not fighting against it, and bringing agony to our knees   Sometimes though, it has an awakening It’s decided its slumber is done It’s slept enough, in a figurative sense Time to stir things up and have some fun   It starts to blow at will, a loud whistle from the sky We see it causing the trees and bushes to sway As they dance the tango from left to right The thought of kite flying, becomes a sudden desire today  

Agony Of The Feet

  We weren’t meant to fly unassisted Quite the sight we would be, flapping our arms just under the clouds On the land we use our feet to travel Many miles over time to get from here to there   After doing this regular movement, the concrete can be unforgiving The bone and skin are no match against it Our shoes and socks can only provide so much of a cushion No wonder the human craves relief after the day is done   Ahhh, at times we do walk in grass But that’s mostly doing the brief moments of experiencing nature It gives our feet a brief respite But the work and other duties require the sidewalk march   So each day starts after a full rest of our feet motors This walking that follows is obviously unavoidable So we start with the hope that our feet Can once again endure the movements within a productive day