
Showing posts from January, 2024

24 Hours To Move, To Be Still

  The beauty of nature fills my room Its sunlight piercing my eyes I've awakened to another morning Another chance to make progress in my life   Before I rise, I give thanks Grateful for another day given to me I think about the passions I continue to pursue And the talented one I am capable of being   When to move, when to be still There's a struggle with these two These 24 hours are like playing chess While deciding on which one I should NOW do   So many hours in a day Making me think there's plenty of time Yet the day can fly by so fast With little accomplished, I sometimes feel, in my eyes   It's been said that Rome wasn't built in a day But I feel like SOMETHING has to get done by me There are ones of many lives who I think about Who don't get these opportunities

Cleansing Of The Rain

  In this vast, complex city, it’s just after dark And here I am once again, alone with my thoughts   The hustle and bustle of the day, has somewhat quieted down Enabling me to have fewer distractions, as very few people are around   Even while walking down the main streets There’s some semblance of serenity and peace   As I reflect on the present, and think about the days gone by I suddenly hear a quiet rumble, coming from the dark sky   A slight drizzle has begun, brightening the pavement on which I walk With each drop that hits the ground, it seems to talk   Even harder the rain comes down, as I continue my stroll As it comes down on me, I feel a slight shiver, because it’s cold   Any pain that I have within, it seems to want to wash away As if it knows that I use the outdoors, to think and escape   I look up at the sky, spread my arms, and savor this time It’s as if the rain, knows the stresses of my mind

invisible Shackles

  As we pursue our passions At times it seems like we labor in vain The world continues to turn Yet we still haven't made positive gains   Analyzing we begin to do Wondering what's causing this spinning of wheels There's this feeling of sand in our shoes There's this feeling of glue under our heels   Shackles we feel Are clapsed to our feet and wrists But as we look down to see them We discover they really don't exist   Are we doing everything right We speak in our minds Are we trying as hard as we can These thoughts are in us at times   The clock that times us all We feel we're racing against constantly Perhaps looking away from it would help Instead of the staring at it With worry, anxiousness and intensity  

Their Emotions Change Like The Weather

  We shake our fists at the sky When the rain arrives unexpectedly We happily welcome the sight of the sun And applaud it excitedly   Many will angrily despise The amount of the snow But the skier who’s waited for its arrival Welcomes it in Colorado   The loudness of the thunder Will frighten many a soul, without a doubt But many in the dry lands Will hope that the rain that follows, will end the droughts   The man who drives the plow Makes his money, when the snow Comes down in buckets And cascades over Ohio   A soul driving to work Is nervously cautious, while the snow comes down But the children shout with joy When too much of it, closes the schools in their town   Many love the hot weather And the degree of heat that it brings Others are afraid to leave their homes, however Because the heat will wake up the mosquitoes and bees